Bust out the Boxes!
Having moved every year since graduating high school (sometimes more), I consider myself to be somewhat of a moving expert. Perhaps this is also why I feel completely at ease with the progress I've made packing up the apartment so far. Number of boxes I've packed = Zero. I'm fine with it. Not a bit nervous.
It is true I'm cutting it close, especially with the one-woman team I have to work with (that would be myself, but hopefully not my organism self). Therefore, it is imperitive I begin packing tonight. The best place to start is with books. Now, lest I completely ruin today's blog with boring packing tips, I feel it necessary to end here.
I will, however, make a goal for packing boxes, and that is to pack 6 boxes tonight. That should cover the books and then some.
Yeah, I know, still boring.
I'm going.
Wish me luck...
Best of luck wtih the packing! IF you are still in dire straits next week I'd like to volunteer my services! After work is best!
Let me know
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