Monday, October 23, 2006

Go Ahead, Call Me A Child

A message has been coming through to me lately. It says "It's ok for you to keep your childlike tendencies. It's a sign of your strong creativity." So next time I throw a temper tantrum, remember I'm harboring my creativity.

It makes sense. Children have the best imaginations. I've read it is because they are living in the moment. If they didn't sit there an observe the current situation, they will learn more. They see colors and hear sounds without distraction. The environment stimulates their minds and it produces scenarios and pretends all sorts of things adults are not capable of.

I have been trying to live in the moment.

With so many things going on in my life (to fill you in--full time job, full time graduate school, full time puppy, planning a wedding, and oh yeah--my relationship) my mind is jumping all over the place. How can I possibly expect myself to sit down and work on my novel if Im mentally veering off track all the time?

Heres my experiment so far: Try to remind myself I'm in a moment whenever possible. This morning I'm sitting at the front desk putting a mailing together for the publicity department. I note how heavy the paper is in my fingers. I feel the increased pressure it takes to fold the pages. And I breathe, knowing that this is the only place I could possibly be at the moment. Hopefully, by not worrying about all the other things I could possibly be doing or thinking about, some creative thought will seep in.

Its also calming to think of myself carefree as a kindergartner. Im content with what Im doing, because its not possible to be doing anything else.

Send me some building blocks, Im ready to construct something grand!

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