The time has come to recap my biking adventure of August 4th, 2007.
There were three goal levels for this event, chosen in hopes of completing at least one of them:
Primary: to finish
Secondary: to avoid injury
Tertiary: to not die
Goals accomplished: all

Fun facts about Blaura the Biker this past week:
1. The Monday prior to the race I went out for Thai food and received the following fortune cookie after dinner: The climb up the mountain is worth the view at the top. Seriously, I have a knack for acquiring fortunes that really mean something.
2. Floyd Landis (the guy who one Le Tour last year and is now under investigation for doping) participated in the very same ride as yours truly. Apparently he began his trek after I did, meaning at some point he passed me by. We could have rubbed elbows.
3. I cried like a baby when I finished the race. A part of me really believed I couldn't do it. It was pure shock to reach the end--intact!
4. Time to complete: 7h 34 m, Average speed: 10.3 mph, High speed: 40.8 mph, Average speed on uphills: 4.2 mph
Congrats!!! I was just catching up on your blogs from the past couple of months . . . LOVE THEM! and I'm really proud of you and your cycling feat! WOOHOO!! Love you!
Congratulations!!! I'm so proud of you. You totally rock.
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