Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Here is a list of things I like:

My down booties...I didn't even know they made these things until recently, and I don't know why I was asked so suffer to long. If only I can convince B&N that I need to wear these to work.

Snowboarding...I love the free feeling, swooshing down the hill, passing skiers from Texas. I also recently discovered how relaxed I become when I listen to music, and how much easier and more fun snowboarding becomes.

The beaded birds on my Christmas tree...they sort of remind me of the National Lampoon christmas tree, which actually contained a squirrel, not a bird. But these birds perch on the branch and make me happy. Who puts beaded birds on their tree? I do.

Going on dates...David took me out to dinner the other night. How nice it was to feel singled out and special!

Online new vice. Victoria's Secret is my favorite for shopping, but lately I've been branching out. It's fun to have a package sitting outside the door when I get home. I think I like it much better than physically shopping because I don't have to worry about other shoppers.

Sugar cookies. I challenge anyone to make better sugar cookies than I do.

Leo Tolstoy. War and Peace, Anna Karinina. Most Russian writers, I like. You should too.

Guessing what I'm getting for Christmas...David hates when I guess right. He likes me to be surprised. I think I'm getting a Nintendo DS this year. Or a KitchenAid mixer. I'll let you know...I have a pretty good record.

Spaghetti...need I say more?

Driving that gas costs less, is it ok? 

Lists...I think lists are great. I like making lists to keep organized. I like using lists for logic. I like seeing objects compared in the same list. I love lists.

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