Friday, November 03, 2006

Special: Sleep 30% Off

I'm sleep deprived, folks. So if none of the following entry makes sense, or there are major errors in grammer or spelling (as if there was a standard for blogging), you know why. In the past three days, I have slept twelve hours.

Which is why I have this brilliant idea. It could never work, because there is no way to change the effects of sleep, but suppose we lived in a world where you were only rationed 7 hours of sleep a night. Some people would not use all of their sleep, and some people would use theirs up at the beginning of the week, and some people would become very regular 7-hours-a-night-sleepers. At first I was thinking it would be nice for the people who use less than their 7 hours to be able to sell their hours to the unrested. But that's not really fair. I'm thinking this system would be more of a use-it-or-lose-it kind of thing. However, for those who need more sleep, why not allow them to take a potion that makes their sleep 25% more effective. So if they only sleep for four hours, they wake up feeling like they slept for five. If seven isn't enough, they take the potion and feel like they slept for over eight.

Maybe when I wake up I'll realize how silly this sounds. But think about it...we take drugs to make our awake time more effective (caffeine, atterol, speed...), why not find something that makes sleep more effective, something better than just a sleeping pill.

Signing off....Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z

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