Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Hello! This blog is has been transplanted from my MySpace account. I think what I disliked about posting my blogs over there was that I could see the random people that were potentially looking at my blog. I suppose that's a possibility here, too, but I don't anticipate browsing through other people's blogs very often. And therefore, I will feel secure, and less like a proded, raw piece of meat.

Having said that, I don't want to give the impression that I'm too shy. I am shy, but this blog will force me to break free and share some thoughts. And who cares if no one reads this? Who cares if everyone I know reads this? Either way, this should be fun.

It's Tuesday evening, and I just finished my Monday. After taking a day off to get my dad to the airport after his visit, I feel like the week is just beginning. David is gone until Thursday, so that means I still have a couple more days to myself. Usually I spend these types of days on the couch, or occassionally catching up on my reading. Tonight I have big plans for writing a lingering assignment before school starts, and maybe busting out that yoga mat that has been in the closet for months and months.

Lately, I've noticed I have a problem. It's lack of motivation. Every now and then I notice this ailment and it really bothers me. So I'll go home, go for a run, leave the tv off all night, make a tasty dinner, get some work done, head to bed at a decent hour, and wake up the next morning feeling relaxed as a result of my productive evening. On really good nights I'll do a load of laundry and do the dishes. Very rarely, I will clean the bathroom, or put the laundry away.

I've proposed a lifestyle change for myself. It is to acheive the "productive me" I just described. Hopefully, by making my announcement public, I will feel more obligated to veer away from my nasty habit of laziness. [For those of you that don't know me, please don't place a picture in your head that I am glued to the couch with various unidentifiable crumbs wedged between my many fat rolls. My action here is actually to prevent that from ever happening.]

So, faithful readers (pretty easy title to acheive since I've only posted one blog, huh?), this is my vow to you: I hereby promise to change my ways. I will not venture out to the wastelands of sloth. I will pick myself up and trudge (however painfully it may be) to the land of productivity! Harrah!


Anonymous said...

Wow! how ambitious of you! you're inspiring! maybe I'll get off the couch tonight, too! love you!

Shauna said...

I know exactly how you feel Laura. Only mine is "Oh good, the little girl is sleeping which means I can take a nap too!" I have been finding through a very timely and painful process that a nap rarely does any good, and being at least somewhat productive (making a tasty dinner, catching up on some reading, even scrapbooking) makes me feel a lot more worthwhile. Though I might need to refer to your blog to remind me about 3 times a week (hence the TIMELY process, I swear I'm a slow learner sometimes!) On that note, sweet dreams all. (And maybe I can take this opportunity to write in my blog too! Thanks Laura!)