Monday, July 23, 2007

The Summer of Harry

I am a mediocre Harry Potter fan. I read all the books and see all the movies and am entertained by them, but am not willing to wear Hogwarts robes or memorize what spells each witch and wizard specializes in. I paid the extra bucks to see the new Potter movie in 3-D (only the last 20 minutes are presented in this format), and I had the new book delivered to my door on the release date. Currently, I am in the middle of chapter 12, but am still able to tear myself away to do laundry, check the housing market, and, apparently, blog.

Reading this book, I wonder how one person could concoct this whole new world and set of characters and captivate the entire planet. I try to get my own wheels turning, wondering what the next craze could be, and if I might be able to create it. It's exciting and yet very depressing to think about. Exciting because it all sounds like so much fun, and depressing because every other writer out there would love to do the same thing, but obviously can't.

Either way, I have to admit I'm still inspired. That is why I deem this the Summer of Harry. It's the last time he'll be so omnipresent, and who knows when "the next Harry Potter" will arrive.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

My Life is a Cycle

pedal pedal pedal pedal pedal pedal pedal pedal pedal pedal pedal pedal pedal pedal

That is what my life is all about right now. I wake up and walk Oscar (walking motion is very similar to pedaling), and then I eat breakfast while watching the Tour de France (lots of men pedaling), and then I go pedal my bike. I practice efficient pedaling. It is my weakness right now, because I have just discovered how to use all my leg muscles to pedal and now I have to train myself not to pedal the way I have been pedaling my whole life. Ultimately, it will help me climb up all those mountain passes on August 4th, the day that is looming ahead, and the one that worries me on a daily basis.

Thank you, "Pigs Eat Corn," for calling me The Man, because it is a male dominated sport, and maybe if I think more like a man, I'll get through all this just fine. However, I have included a picture of one man who didn't know when to quit. May I never wind up like him (although my rear is way cuter).

I rode 20 miles today, I thought of it as my warm-up ride. Tomorrow I'll kick it up a notch and aim for 30, and this weekend I'm doing a 50 mile ride. This is all good, except that those of you who have been to Denver might have noticed how flat it is. I need some mountain training. Someone, please, call me King of the Mountains? I think I can trick myself into believing it, especially since I look good in polka dots.

Monday, July 16, 2007

It's Been Ages

This is the first week I feel somewhat settled in Denver. The first week was a flurry of unpacking and decision making about what I could live without for the next two to three months. Then I took a trip to Dallas to visit my friend Kristin, and due to heavy holiday travel, wound up spending an extra day in the airport trying to get home. When I did get home, I was looking forward to some stability, which would have helped when I fell off my bike and hurt my wrist. Along with the wrist injury came an annoying head cold, and finally, this week, I am on the mend.

I suppose I owe an update in other areas as well. We're still looking for a house. We viewed a gorgeous bungalow with the highest ceilings, and I was getting that I-really-want-it feeling in my stomach until we walked to the backyard and saw the most atrocious carriage house backing the property. Half of the backyard is taken up by a giant, red, adobe-looking square thing with windows that is apparently a residence. And owned by someone else. Grrr. I really was hoping for a two-car garage. Why does every home have its compromise?

And the only other update is that I'm training for a 78-mile bike ride in the lovely Colorado Rockies on August 4. The ride goes over the Copper Triangle, and as of right now I am not in any sort of shape to do this thing. This has made my little wrist injury and head cold especially annoying. But, with some heavy training over the next three weeks, lots of goo and water, I will hopefully make a decent showing (and by decent I mean I'll finish).

That's all from Colorado Land for now. I'll be on the computer all week, perhaps with something interesting to say.